What is a lip tie? It is a remanent of the tissue in the midline of the upper lip and the gum which holds the lip attached to the gum (gingiva) and may interfere with the normal mobility and function of the upper lip contributing to poor latch by the infant onto the breast.

Maxillary Lip Tie
Can contribute to nursing difficulties for the baby and can independently make breastfeeding painful and difficult for the mother.
It can contribute to poor seal on the breast due to the inability of the upper lip to flange outward normally.
If an infant only has a lip tie and it is released symptoms can and do resolve.
Most babies appear to have a lip tie when the frenum is inspected visually but only a fraction of those demonstrate significant functional issues.
A Restricted maxillary lip tie can lead to a shallow latch, baby must open wide AND flange the lip to get a deep latch on the areola not just the nipple.
Most babies have a low frenum, FUNCTION is key!
Look for blanching and bunching of tissue under the nose.
Look for blanching at the insertion point on the alveolar ridge.
Lip should roll easily and painlessly over the nose without restriction.
A good indication that restriction is present is when the baby seems distressed immediately upon lifting the lip to roll over the nose.
Call for an appointment today if you feel that your baby needs an evaluation for a lip tie.
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Hi! I'm Dr. Kim

I'm here to help. Here you will find great resources to help you decide if a frenectomy is right for you and your baby. If you have any additional questions give us a call at 832-521-9024 or email at kimthekidsdentist@gmail.com
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Inside Alden Bridge Pediatric Dentistry.
3759 FM 1488 Suite 125 The Woodlands, TX 77384
Ph: 832 521-9024