Dr. Kim Discussion: The Impact of Obstructed Airways in Children

How to correct a child's bad sleep and obstructed airways

Hi, this is Dr Kim, I wanted to talk a little bit about children’s airways and why it’s so important for awareness to be made the American general association is taking a huge initiative on children’s airways. A lot of this falls on the pediatric dentists because we see children so young and we can…

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Understanding A Lip Tie Diagnosis

baby the woodlands

What is a lip tie? It is a remanent of the tissue in the midline of the upper lip and the gum which holds the lip attached to the gum (gingiva) and may interfere with the normal mobility and function of the upper lip contributing to poor latch by the infant onto the breast. Maxillary…

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Understanding a tongue tie diagnosis

baby the woodlands

Ankyloglossia/tongue tie-embryological remnant of tissue in the midline between the undersurface of the tongue and the floor of the mouth that restricts normal tongue movement Miconception about tongue ties If the tip of the tongue protrudes over the lower ridge, there is no tongue tie… Fact: It is more about posterior elevation of the tongue…

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What To Expect After a Frenectomy

mom and baby the woodlands

Infants: Your baby will be brought back to you and you will have time to establish a proper latch and position on breast or bottle with our IBCLC. You will be taught how to care for your baby’s wounds. we will watch you perform stretches to ensure you feel confident. 4-5 hours post-op your infant…

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What can you expect on the day of a frenectomy procedure?

mom and baby the woodlands

Ages: Infants: This is the time when Dr. Kim will meet with you and your baby and evaluate both function and anatomy. Dr. Kim, our IBCLC, and our parents talk together about the best plan of care for the infant, often we perform same day procedures for infants. Our parents relax in one of our…

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How To Prepare For a Frenectomy

baby the woodlands

Pre-op: Infants (up to 18 months): We encourage all infants to meet with an IBCLC for a functional assessment for breast or bottle feeding prior to evaluation with Dr. Kim. Your appointment will include a history intake, feed & weight, latch & position help, oral evaluation, and you will be given exercises to prepare your…

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